It’s that time of the year, summer is over and the kids are back in school! Your house is probably brimming with homework and handouts, pencils and pens and a seemingly endless flow of homework and crafts supplies. Managing it all can be quite the task, even for the most organized among us.
Back to School season is the perfect time to put your saved Bonne Maman jars to good use and beautifully organize the chaos and clutter with this simple jar hack. Because we know every bit helps!
Our jars are the perfect size to store all of the supplies this year’s school list threw your way. Erasers and binder clips once loose and lost in a drawer are easily found. Crayons with no box have a home again. With pens and pencils easy to find, the days of searching for a writing implement in a pinch are over! Simply clean out the jar after you’ve enjoyed the last, delicious bite, remove the label with hot water, then add your own colorful label to organize everything.